In the Fullness of Time The Author
Born and raised in Marion, Ohio in the middle decades of the 20th century, Vincent Nicolosi grew up in an era when Harding lore, like Indian lore, was still in the air. History and legends lingered on, rumors too. These he absorbed from stories told by those who knew and mixed with Warren and Florence Harding, who shook hands with Babe Ruth, dined with Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, exchanged points of view with Henry Ford, and with those who labored to build the town, run the railroads and construct the steam shovels that dug the Panama Canal. As a paperboy, he daily followed in the footsteps of the great socialist Norman Thomas, who seventy years before walked the same route delivering The Marion
Star, founded in the 1880s by Warren G. Harding. Vincent Nicolosi left Marion long ago and his life has led him to far-flung places; he now lives in the eastern United States.